Listing and Designation Application Form
Sign in or create an account to:
- Apply for a new building or site to be listed;
- Change an existing listing;
- Apply for a building or site to be de-listed;
- Apply for a Certificate of Immunity from Listing;
- Consult Historic England on a Building Preservation Notice.
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Privacy Notice
- When you submit an application to Historic England you will be asked to provide your name and contact details. We will use these details to contact you and keep you informed about the status of your application.
- Personal information that you choose to provide in support of your application, including photographs, will be used to maintain a record of the application and to inform our assessment and recommendation. You should not include sensitive personal data within the application.
- Information in the application will be shared with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) where the Secretary of State is responsible for making the final decision.
- We retain a permanent record of all submitted applications, this includes unsuccessful applications. Applications which are not submitted will be deleted two years after the date of creation.
- Read the Historic England Privacy Policy for more information about how we use and store your personal information.
Freedom of Information
- Historic England is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 which provide a general right of access to information we hold.
- We may provide information you have supplied in response to a request made under this legislation, subject to any exemptions which apply.